Email murdermysteries @ cutheatreco.org for more information and our prices.
Please include the following in your email:
Your name and organization
Daytime and evening phone numbers
E-mail address
Projected date, time and location of the event
Approximate number of guests.
Feel free to include any questions you have about Seven Corpse Dinners. We will respond as quickly as we can!
CUTC can provide an evening of entertainment for YOUR next party or social gathering!
We have performed over 300 Seven Corpse Dinner murder mysteries since 1996, with over 7,000 satisfied attendees in Champaign-Urbana, Mahomet, Danville, Decatur, Bloomington, Normal, El Paso, Charleston, Mattoon, Peoria, Gibson City and Onarga.
Our customers have included civic clubs, businesses, university groups, banks, and country clubs. We have also entertained in private homes for birthday parties – or any occasion!
What is a Seven Corpse Dinner?
A Seven Corpse Dinner is an audience-interactive murder mystery event. It is not a play we are performing for you, but rather a game we are playing with you and your guests. A cast of 5 – 10 of our actors assume character roles in a plot of your choice. The actors mingle with the guests through cocktails and dinner, having conversations with the guests and with each other.
Watch and listen closely! We encourage guests to snoop, eavesdrop, and be nosy!! There may be arguments, secret liaisons, notes passed, deals done, loves lost and found, agreements made and broken! After dinner, one (or maybe more) of the characters “die”. An investigator character takes charge to question suspects and find the murderer, with the help of the audience. Guests may become as involved as they like, and are encouraged to invent their own roles and relationships to the cast.
We have over 28 different scenarios available to choose from. Themes include a Texas roadhouse, class reunion, will readings, stockholder meetings, 1920s speakeasy, a WWII USO canteen, Klondike gold rush, political plots, spoofs of classic TV shows, a reality show, and many more!